Waste Collection Vehicles are large vehicles that require substantial space to manoeuvre safely.
During waste collection days, to alleviate congestion, help prevent accidents and danger to our employees, and ensure the safety of all involved, we are asking you to take a few simple precautions.
- Don’t Tailgate: Keep your distance from our vehicles and always be on the lookout for our waste collection helpers. Our helpers will be operating outside the truck and travelling on the rear step of the truck.
- Drive Slowly: Our waste collection trucks move slowly through neighbourhoods, allowing us to complete our routes safely. However, it is equally important for all drivers to reduce their speed and stay alert.
- Do not pass: out the waste collection truck on the inside, as it is dangerous to do so.
- Be Courteous: We understand that you may be in a hurry, but we ask that you be polite to our employees. If you have any questions pertaining to your service, please contact our Help Centre on 045 580060.
- Please remain patient: when in the presence of waste collection vehicles. We operate safely and efficiently and will move as soon as possible.
- To park or not to park: Safe parking is a key part of safe driving, where you leave your vehicle is as important as how you drive it there. Bad parking can endanger or obstruct others on the road. Badly parked vehicles can also add to traffic congestion and can lead to a distribution of the waste collection services in the area.
- Emergencies: Be mindful of leaving enough space for waste collection vehicles to pass, especially in housing estates and on narrow roads. Also, park with emergency vehicles in mind. Take a second to think after you park: “In an emergency, can help get through?” So before you leave the vehicle, think about whether a 2.55m-wide fire truck or ambulance will get past your vehicle in a hurry.
Following these simple #summersafety tips will guarantee a safe waste collection service, and we can all enjoy a safer, happier summer outdoors. #bnmrecycling